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Order now and get a Balboa Clim8zone heat pump for half price!

Normal price £2495
Winter offer price of just £1245!

Introducing the all NEW

An experience you won’t find anywhere else

The first of its kind, Clim8zone combines exclusive energy efficient technology with the ability to heat and cool the spa water.

CLIM8ZONE™ | Additional Features and Benefits

Features and benefits of Clim8zone™

  • Unlike other spa heat pumps on the market, Clim8zone™ functions at low ambient air temperatures (-20ºC/-4ºF) in colder climates
  • Operates quietly at less than 50dBA
  • Variable speed compressor with smart algorithm 
  • Fully integrated with the BP Systems and uses the same spa heating pump as the spa’s traditional electric element heater
  • Features a typical energy efficiency (COP) of 5 to 10 times a traditional spa heater and may reach up to 15 times in certain operating conditions, using less energy to keep the water hot, providing smart savings
  • Allows the spa user to set the spa BP Control System to utilize the Clim8zone™ Heat Pump alone, the spa’s traditional electric element heater alone, or both simultaneously when necessary